Today the products are supplied to all regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.
In 2020, we started using the sensory integration method at the Marina Kudryashova Center for Complex Rehabilitation of Children and Adults. When selecting equipment for the classes, we faced a problem - there were practically no products for these classes, and those that were available were not suitable or expensive. Knowing how to work with such equipment, knowing what the requirements should be, I decided to make some weighted vests myself.
The long process of my creativity has begun! The first product I created was a weighted vest. But, of course, it didn't look as beautiful as it does now, and it had little function. I began to work hard to create such a vest, which specialists and parents could use in a variety of work with the child, not only in classes in the sensory-dynamic hall, but also at home, in other classes and solve several problems at the same time. By the end of 2021, the first weighted vest appeared, which not only looked beautiful, but was functional and effectively stimulated the proprioceptive system through nerve endings located in muscles, joints and ligaments. We use glass granulate for weighted vests.
In November 2021, Marina Kudryashova's Workshop appeared. The first batch of weighted vests went on sale.
I decided not to stop there! That's how two suspended platform swings came into being. The main criterion for me was the safety of children. So I decided to make the edges of the swing rounded, and to use dense foam. Sensory stockings appeared, which today are very popular among parents.
I am the expert who thinks of ways to modernize products on a daily basis! We recently developed a weighted blanket that comes in several sizes. The blanket can be used in work with both children and adults.
It is important to me that the equipment for working with children and adults using the sensory integration method is multifunctional, affordable and most importantly has a good therapeutic effect!
In 2023, the Workshop is expanding its product range and is ready to offer quality, innovative equipment!